After the one holds in Les Houches in April 2016, the second scientific workshop of SVOM mission took place from 24 to 28 April 2017 at Qiannan inside the province of Guizhou located in the south of China. Called Surveying the Fast Changing Multi-wavelength Sky with SVOM”, this meeting gathered almost 90 participants on a site near the new giant radio telescope FAST.

The new generation of observatory instruments accessible today for the scientific community allow a sky survey, not only for all the color or wavelength but also for non-photonic windows with neutrinos or gravitational waves. The abundance and the quality of observatory tools in space as well as on the ground put this astrophysics, called multi-messenger astrophysics, in a golden age. It provides access to information on the physics of emitter object but also explore the Universe until considerable distances, opening opportunities towards cosmological studies.
Within this context, several main topics were covered throughout the workshop: gamma ray-burst (type of progenitor, cosmological probe), gravitational waves (formation of massive stellar black holes and their evolution over the universe history), neutrinos (type of sources, link with gamma ray-burst and high energy cosmic rays) and fast radio burst FRB (mechanisms involved, survey of intergalactic medium).
At each stage, theoretical and observational talks allow to review the state of the art and to trigger scientific debates. The role of SVOM in this scientific overview was the core of several scientific sessions.
During this workshop, a visit of the giant telescope FAST inaugurated in September 2016 was planned.
Located in a region with particular landscape, this instrument is the jewel of the Chinese radio astronomy.

The schedule and the presentation of this workshop are accessible here.
The next workshop will be held in France from 13 to 18 May 2018 in the Ecole de Physique des Houches located in Chamonix valley.