Maidanak station in Uzbekistan – UZB1

Name : UZB1
Location : on the site of the Maidanak Astronomical Observatory in Uzbekistan
Latitude : 38.6732°
Longitude : 66.8982°
Altitude : 2593m
Hosting : The Maidanak Astronomical Observatory is located in southern Uzbekistan, close to the Afghan border. This astronomical site was created in 1970 and now houses many international experiments, including equipment from the Côte d’Azur Observatory (see http://www. maidanak. uz/). The site is managed by the Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute (UBAI) attached to the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences.
Start : december 2021

The installation was carried out by the site’s technical team from September 2021.
NB : The pictures show a 4G satellite modem but this solution was abandoned later.

This station can be configured to receive data from the NOAA 18 and NOAA 19 weather satellites. The reconstructed images are used to verify the quality of the site and to identify any degradation in signal reception.